

better late than never

farewell to drawing II it's been a really interesting semester, I reallly enjoyed the assignments we had, I feel like a learned alot especially about time management. Its been fun..


drawing in the daark

So this is it, I have to sit here and draw in the dark, its freezing out here I literally can't feel my fingers man. I'm  not gone lie, I'm not really digging this but I gotta get the job done so I'm working hard out here. awww smh. trying not to complain.


Drawing II (first post)

I have come to MCA to become better at what I love, which is art. I'm still uncertain about what my major will be, but since I love painting it will probally be something that ties in with that. Once I have received my degree in whatever field I decide to go in, I plan to move to New York or D.C. and maybe teach..........