

"Farewell to Drawing I"

It's true all good things must come to an end. Overall drawing class was a very interesting experience. I feel like I have improved, like figuring out what areas to strengthen and what areas don't require much attention. I feel like I've had a good semester and I have to say cross- hatching was my favorite assignment that we've done all semester. Although my perspective gets off in certain areas. I feel like I can get that under control if I just take my time and look at what I'm drawing. Because I notice when my perspective is off sometimes but that's when I've worked so hard that its sometimes un-fixable. I feel that I am prepared for drawing two, and overall it's been a great semester.

working with self portrait

I know this is late but, better late than never. My medium of choice would be pencil, i prefer working with graphite especially when I'm shading. I  prefer eboby pencil. Working with conte was great but I was botherd by alllll the rules. the way we have too hold the pencil, and how it would continue to wear down. But I do like charcoal although it gets a little messy sometimes. But overall I would prefer graphite.


working from still life

working with the still life was interesting to me. It was hard for me to decide how many strips of paper to use because I knew I wanted to use more than two. But it all worked out I got the right positions that I liked and it worked out


blind contour portraits

During this assignment I found it interesting how distorted my final drawings looked. I have to admit that I had to start over like three times because I couldn't help myself and I looked. But I realized that looking took the fun out of assignment because I was more focused on making it look like me. But when I started over and did my final projects I understood the concept of the projects.


working on blog

today I actually spent alot of time working on my blog for the first time. Normally I would just do what I'm told to do and that's it. But today I worked and I found that blogging is quite interesting, writing my thoughts about whats going on and responding to whats going on is more fun than thought.



last night I enjoyed setting up my own design. It was interesting TRYING TO MAKE THE FOLDS PERFECT, I used a really thin blanket because that's all I had. I was a bit concerened with all the negative space so I decided to put me a image indicating a photo on both sides of the wall.


1st project feedback

The first homework assignment in drawing 1 was very interesting. It was a bit confusing for me, because I was over thinking the assignment. I NEVER realized the purpose of the assignment it was unclear to me what was expected. I think the purpose of the assignment MAY have been to teach about how different lines can be, and how to learn to create a variety of characteristics using a simple straight line. But, i'm still a little bit confused.